I was SO ready for Erin and DJ’s engagement session. I had been waiting to get it scheduled since we met back in January to go over their fall wedding planned to take place here in Clarksville, TN. We ended up chatting for about two hours that day (for those of you that don’t know me: I’m a talker, not gonna lie haha). I got to hear all about their wedding day plans. It was refreshing to hear that DJ was actually making many of the decorations himself! It’s nice when the guy gets so involved in the details! I’m going to have soooo many awesome things to photograph! Eeeeekkk!!! <3
When Erin and DJ asked to have their session in Springfield, I was crazy excited! I love getting to explore new locations. But, naturally, the directions on my phone took me to the complete opposite end of the city where I needed to be! When I got the notification that I had arrived at my destination, I looked over and saw the words “Memorial Gardens.” Um, pretty sure we weren’t supposed to be meeting at a cemetery! I should’ve known I was in good hands, though. These two travel all over middle Tennessee all the time. As soon as I called them and told them where I had ended up, DJ knew EXACTLY how to get me to the right spot. Without even a moment’s delay he told where to turn, how many stop lights I would go through, and what landmarks to look out for. Needless to say, if I ever get lost somewhere, I’m calling DJ up!
The park that we visited was beautiful! There were tons of unique spots just within a few minutes walk from each other. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, either. The humidity FINALLY decided to give us a little break. We even had a little music playing for us. And Erin coerced DJ into dancing! Her beautiful, colorful skirt finally got its chance in the spotlight.
Erin and DJ, I hope you two had as much fun as I did! Barely over three months to go until your wedding day!!! 🙂
Christy Hunter is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Seattle, Washington.
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