When Glyde first reached out to me about her couple’s session, she and Peter were expecting their third child together. Then, life happened. Their little girl came early! I can only imagine the wonderful, amazing chaos that’s filling their home right now. Still, I was a little surprised when I heard Glyde tell me it was weird… It was weird having time alone with just her and Peter, doing something for just the two of them. I told her that she and Peter have to be sure to take time to remember each other, the basis of their family, and the love that made their three beautiful girls!
I think we all know how easy it is to let the busyness of family life, work, and everything in between consume us. And even though we in no way lose appreciation for our significant others and all those that help our lives run from day-to-day, remembering the little subtle nuances that made you two fall so head-over-heels in love? That does become challenging.
Glyde and Peter were absolutely radiant at our session together. I LOVE that I get to provide them with images of the two of them: the couple that started a whole new generation, a whole new future. And I hope that when their little girls look back at these images, they think to themselves, “Wow! My parents were so in love with each other!” Cheesy? Maybe. But it’s so important. It’s important to leave behind a legacy of love that your children can look up to, admire, and use as an example for themselves. Kids learn soooo much about relationships, about what to expect from them and what to put into them, from their parents. So make sure that you don’t forget to set some time aside every now and then for just the two of you and keep that fire between you going strong.
Christy Hunter is a wedding and portrait photographer based in Seattle, Washington.
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